Traditional Chinese Culture

The ruling power and political system of China underpinned historic cultural and ideological values. While “all men are created equal” are ideological values in a democratic system, those ideals are not the same under the Chinese Communist Party ruling. Instead, there is a class struggle and the rivalry from that is obviously seen in traditional Chinese culture.

The Chinese Community Party fights to keep traditional Chinese culture from making its way into the modern-day world. That control over the culture gives the government the ability to intertwine the Party Culture into the evolving culture ensuring the regime’s power continues.

Shen Yun’s performance seeks to keep traditional Chinese culture alive. The performance brings back traditional values from many generations past. The performers express the heartache and devastation in a lost heritage, and they seek to bring the virtues hidden behind the power forward.

Traditional Chinese Culture may not be favored in China, but it is in the United States and in other countries. Shen Yun makes it possible for the people of China to tell the world they have a history and one with remarkable strength and virtue.