Those who are fortunate to know Asian art carry the culture’s beauty inside of their heart and soul for eternity.
Asian Art encompasses artifacts, paintings, and performances that portray life in Asia. The Asian Art Foundation (AAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to reviving and fostering the wonder, beauty, and wisdom offered by Asian heritage. Our website provides information, education, and appreciation for those who are interested in learning and immersing themselves in the Asian culture.
The history of Asian art is long and vast, starting in the 6th to 5th century BC. As art evolved, it brought in influences from many different cultures and religions to make what we see today.
Asian art is recognized all over the world, including the United States. People from all walks of life appreciate the meaning and beauty behind it all. It brings amazement and glory to all ages.
With the world changing before our eyes, we want to ensure Asian art never gets lost. To do that, we bring awareness to the events and activities in San Francisco bringing Asian culture to the limelight. In doing so, our hope is more people will learn about our culture and support its survival and growth.